These would be foods that are allowed to be eaten by anybody sticking to the Catabolic diet or the 'Negative Calorie" diet. The idea is that you burn more fat eating these foods, than if you were simply fasting.

    * apples
    * apricots
    * artichokes
    * asparagus
    * beet greens
    * beets
    * blackberries
    * blueberries
    * broccoli
    * Brussels sprouts
    * buffalo fish
    * cabbage
    * cantaloupe
    * carrots
    * cauliflower
    * celeriak
    * celery
    * cherries
    * chervil
    * chicory
    * Chinese cabbage
    * chives
    * clams
    * cod
    * corn
    * crabs
    * cranberries
    * cucumbers
    * currants
    * Damson plum
    * dandelion greens
    * eggplant
    * endive
    * flounder
    * frogs legs
    * garlic
    * grapefruit
    * grapes
    * green beans
    * honeydew
    * huckleberries
    * kale
    * kohlrabi
    * kumquats
    * leeks
    * lemons
    * lettuce
    * limes
    * lobster
    * loganberries
    * mangoes
    * mushrooms
    * muskmelons
    * mussels
    * mustard greens
    * nectarines
    * okra
    * onions
    * oranges
    * oysters
    * papaya
    * parsley leaves
    * parsnips
    * peaches
    * pears
    * peas
    * peppers (capsicum)
    * pineapple
    * pomegranates
    * prunes
    * pumpkin
    * quince
    * radishes
    * raspberries
    * red cabbage
    * rhubarb
    * rutabagas
    * salsify
    * sauerkraut
    * scallions
    * sea bass
    * shrimps
    * sorrel
    * spinach
    * squash
    * steaks
    * strawberries
    * string beans
    * tangerines
    * terrapin
    * tomato
    * turnips
    * watercress
    * watermelon 

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