meal plan

At 7:30am
(30 minutes before you eat Breakfast)

You're going to wake up and take some Green Tea and then if you want to... You're going to go for a 20-30 minute power walk and then at...


You're going to eat at least 2 whole raw fruits and/or veggies and you're going to drink one scoop of whey protein or Soy protein mixed in water and right after that...

Depending on how hungry you are (see the hunger scale ) you're going to eat a 0-300 calorie breakfast. Then about 4 hours later at...


You're going to have 2 more raw fruits and/or veggies, another scoop of whey protein or Soy protein mixed in water followed by a 0-300 calorie lunch and then around....


You're going to have a 0-300 calorie mid-afternoon snack but, before you do... you're going to eat 2 whole raw fruits and/or veggies plus your 1 scoop of whey protein or Soy protein mixed in water.  Then around...

(30 minutes before Dinner)

You're going to take some more Green Tea and 30 minutes after you take your Green Tea at...

6:30 -7pm:

You're going to eat a 0-300 calorie dinner, but right before dinner you're going to eat your raw fruits and/or veggies and one scoop of whey protein or Soy protein mixed in water and...

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