Marya Hornbacher Diet

Lose 5lbs in 2 day
1 grapefruit ( 100 cals)
total: 100 calories, 0 gms fat

2 fat-free pretzels from a bag ( 20 cals) 4 carrot sticks, ( 12 cals) 4 celery sticks ( 5 cals) 3 tsp mustard (5 cals)
total: 42 calories, 0 gms fat

½ cup fat-free, sugar-free yogurt ( 60cals)
total: 60 calories, 0 gms fat

total: 202 calories, 0 gms fat

Metabolism Diet:

Rules of the diet:

   1. Drink at least 4 glasses of water or diet soda per Day.
   2. You can add the following to your foods: herbs, salt, pepper, lemon, vinegar, Worcestershire, soy sauce, mustard & ketchup

Day 1
   1. Breakfast
          * Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal
   2. Lunch
          * 2 hard boiled eggs
          * 1 cup cooked spinach
   3. Dinner
          * 1 lettuce and celery salad
          * 1 6oz. steak *(use PAM to fry)
Day 2
   1. Breakfast
          * Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal
          * one water cracker
   2. Lunch
          * 1 lettuce and celery salad
          * 1 6oz. steak broiled or grilled
   3. Dinner
          * 8-10 oz. of Ham
Day 3
# Breakfast
    * Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal
    * one water cracker
# Lunch
    * 2 hard boiled eggs
    * 1 cup green beans
    * 1 cup tomatoes
# Dinner
    * 8-10 oz. of Ham
    * 2 cups green bean/tomato salad
Day 4
   1. Breakfast
          * Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal
          * one water cracker
   2. Lunch
          * 1 hard boiled eggs
          * 1 cup raw carrots
   3. Dinner
          * 1 cup regular yogurt
          * 1 oz. mozzarella cheese
          * 1 cup fruit salad
Day 5
   1. Breakfast
          * Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal
          * 1 raw carrot
          * Juice of 1 lemon
   2. Lunch
          * 1 fried fish filet (4-6 oz.)
          * tomato salad
   3. Dinner
          * 1 4-6 oz. steak
          * green salad
Day 6
   1. Breakfast
          * Black Coffee or Tea w/1-2 packets of Sweet & Low or Equal
   2. Lunch
          * 1 4-8oz. chicken broiled w/o skin
   3. Dinner
          * 2 hardboiled eggs
          * 1 raw carrot
Day 7
   1. Breakfast
          * Tea w/lemon
   2. Lunch
          * 1 4-8oz. steak broiled or grilled
          * 1 1/2 cup of fruit
   3. Dinner
          * a sensible dinner

The Mixed Carb 400 Diet

1 cup fat-free, sugar-free yogurt, any flavor (120 cals)
total: 120 calories, 0 gms fat

2 slices reduced-calorie bread (90 cals)
1 medium apple (100 cals)
total: 190 calories, 1 gm fat

3 cups shredded iceberg lettuce (24 calories!)
3 tsp Wishbone Fat-Free Italian (30 cals)
8 baby carrots (40 cals)
total: 94 calories, 0 gms fat

total: 400 calories, 1 gm fat

The Russian Gymnast Diet

This is the diet (apparantly) that the Russian gymnast Irina Tschachina (she's an olympic silver medalist) followed. Her weight is reported to be at 99lbs, and she is 5"6. Anyone on this diet for 5-7 days can loose between 4 lbs-11 lbs

Breakfast = Glass of either orange or apple juice

Lunch =  a Fruit Salad (made from kiwi fruit, oranges, pineapple pieces, and peeled apples) and a glass of fruit juice.

Dinner = Glass of non-fizzy water and a green apple

The Vegan Model Diet:

1 slice reduced-calorie bread (45 cals)
1-2 cups black coffee, or with no-cal sweetener (0 cals)
total: 45 calories, ½ gm fat

1 medium-large apple (120 cals)
total: 120 calories, ½ gm fat

8 baby carrots (40 cals)
total: 40 calories, 0 gms fat

total: 200 calories, 1 gm fat

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